Feedback & Complaints
Providing Feedback
We do our very best to represent the entire local community of Truro and surrounding areas. We adhere to the highest professional standards in broadcasting and community journalism, complying always with the provisions of the Ofcom Broadcast Code. We try to be your voice and forum for expressing your interests and promoting community events and activities.
As a community station we are community owned and run on a voluntary basis. We welcome your feedback on the service that we are providing and are always keen to know what we are doing well and constructive thoughts on how we could improve.
If you would like to submit feedback, please use one of the means indicated.
All feedback will be gratefully received and will be reviewed by the station's management.
Email Us
Write to Us
- Address: CHBN Radio, The Elizabeth Sanders Studios, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3LJ
Call Us
- Phone: 01872 218 418
Making a Complaint
We recognise that, no matter how hard we try, sometimes we will make honest mistakes. We will treat seriously any concerns and complaints which you may have regarding any content of our broadcasts or the way in which the station conducts its business.
If you have any reason to make a formal complaint, please download and complete (in writing) the Listener Complaint Form which is available on this page, returning this to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in an envelope marked Private and Confidential.
Any complaint will be treated in the strictest confidence except in the interests of fairness or compelled by the Regulator (Ofcom) to reveal your identity.
Our Complaint Policy, which provides more detail as to how we will deal with your complaint, is also available for download.