CHBN Community Radio EasyFundraising
Shop Online and support CHBN Community Radio

How It Works
It’s like Nectar but rather than earning points, each purchase generates a donation. Instead of going directly to a retailer’s website, go to our easyfundraising page first and choose the retailer you want to shop with – then everything you spend with that retailer earns a free donation for CHBN Community Radio.
It’s completely free to use and your shopping won’t cost you a penny more.
On average, each retailer will donate 5% of the cost of your shopping - and those donations soon mount up.
Whatever you need to buy, from your weekly grocery shop or fashion must-have, to your business travel, office supplies or mobile phone, buy it via easyfundraising and raise money for CHBN Community Radio at no extra cost to you!
Please register to support us when you shop online - just click on the button or visit: