Request Application Form - Introduction
Thank You for your interest in joining CHBN
Before continuing to request an application form, please understand the following:
- All work at CHBN is voluntary.
- Volunteers must be aged 16 or over.
- To help towards running costs we ask for an annual membership fee (currently £50 per year) from every volunteer.
- Unfortunately, we do not currently offer short-term work experience placements.
- Due to the time and resources required to process applications and train new volunteers, we usually require applicants to be able to commit for at least 2 years to our organisation.
- In order to protect both our own volunteers and those in the hospital community, it is the Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust's policy to carry out Reference, Occupational Health and DBS checks on all volunteers wishing to work within the organisation. More details on this will be provided in the application pack.
If you understand the above and would like to continue to request an application form, please click Continue.